Dieser Foto-Blog soll die empfohlene Tagesration Pinguin liefern. Täglich frisch zubereitet (fotografiert). Oder durch einen Griff in den Arzneischrank (Fotoarchiv). Seit meiner Antarktis-Reise 2009/2010 lagern dort Schätze. Medizinische und fotografische. Für Generationen noch.

Penguins are said to populate only a very limited part of our planet. If you look out for penguins, however, you will start to discover them in the most common places. In the average European city. In your daily life. In your household. Everywhere.

Angeblich leben Pinguine nur in der Antarktis und an ein paar ganz wenigen anderen Plätzen auf unserem Planeten. Wenn man allerdings aufmerksam durch die Welt geht, stellt man plötzlich fest, dass sie an den ungewöhnlichsten Orten auftauchen. Oder an den gewöhnlichsten. Selbst Europas Hauptstädte sind voll von Pinguinen. Wien ist voll von ihnen.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Ein Porträt des Künstlers als junger Pinguin

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Penguin  



" ...  A soft liquid joy flowed through the words where the soft long vowels hurtled noiselessly and fell away, lapping and flowing back and ever shaking the white bells of their waves in mute chime and mute peal, and soft low swooning cry; and he felt that the augury he had sought in the wheeling darting birds and in the pale space of sky above him had come forth from his heart like a bird from a turret, quietly and swiftly. 

Symbol of departure or of loneliness? The verses crooned in the ear of his memory composed slowly before his remembering eyes the scene of the hall on the night of the opening of the national theatre. He was alone at the side of the balcony, looking out of jaded eyes at the culture of Dublin in the stalls and at the tawdry scene-cloths and human dolls framed by the garish lamps of the stage. ... " James Joyce

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