Aufgabe 24: Spiegelpinguine - Öffne die Datei PING.WKS. In ihr sind die Koordinaten des Umrisses eines Pinguins gespeichert. Stelle den Umriß als Punktdiagramm dar. Erzeuge dann ein Diagramm, wie in Abbildung 33 (Spiegelungen an den Koordinatenachsen). Beachte, daß es nur eine x-Datenreihe geben kann. Für die an der y-Achse gespiegelten Pinguine musst du die x-Werte unter die anderen x-Werte setzen. Leere Zellen zwischen den Daten bewirken, daß die Grafik unterbrochen wird. (Ansonsten würde WORKS alle Pinguine miteinander verbinden.)
Question: Are penguins intelligent? Answer: Yup! They are teachable and trainable. Penguins can be trained to do Operant Conditioning, which is how dolphins are trained to do. Penguins also respond to their names very well when they are called. Penguins can also learn by observing things pretty quickly on their own. Penguins are one of the few animals that can recognise their selves in the mirror. Scientists have proof too. When a penguin is looking at his self in the mirror he doesn't know if its himself or another penguin he's looking at. But if he has a object in his mouth and waves it around a little, then we know that he sees himself and not another penguin in the mirror. Penguins are more intelligent then we might know because they tend to hide their intelligence.
1 comment:
och nö.... der war aber ein bisschen zu lange in der Sonne gewesen....
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