Dieser Foto-Blog soll die empfohlene Tagesration Pinguin liefern. Täglich frisch zubereitet (fotografiert). Oder durch einen Griff in den Arzneischrank (Fotoarchiv). Seit meiner Antarktis-Reise 2009/2010 lagern dort Schätze. Medizinische und fotografische. Für Generationen noch.

Penguins are said to populate only a very limited part of our planet. If you look out for penguins, however, you will start to discover them in the most common places. In the average European city. In your daily life. In your household. Everywhere.

Angeblich leben Pinguine nur in der Antarktis und an ein paar ganz wenigen anderen Plätzen auf unserem Planeten. Wenn man allerdings aufmerksam durch die Welt geht, stellt man plötzlich fest, dass sie an den ungewöhnlichsten Orten auftauchen. Oder an den gewöhnlichsten. Selbst Europas Hauptstädte sind voll von Pinguinen. Wien ist voll von ihnen.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Be Curious. | Sei neugierig.

One penguin on the Leadership Council suggested creating a sort of superglue out of killer-whale blubber and using it to glue the iceberg together "real tight". He admitted that this would not solve the more general problem of melting, but it might avert immediate disaster.

They were obviously getting desperate.

Then an older and highly respected member of the colony suggested thatthey try something new. "Maybe you should do what Fred did when he found our terrible problem. Walk around, keeping your eyes and minds open. Be curious."

The Head Penguin, recognizing the need for a different approach, agreed. "Let's try it", he said, and so they did.

In: Our Iceberg Is Melting, by J.Kotter and H.Rathgeber 

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