Dieser Foto-Blog soll die empfohlene Tagesration Pinguin liefern. Täglich frisch zubereitet (fotografiert). Oder durch einen Griff in den Arzneischrank (Fotoarchiv). Seit meiner Antarktis-Reise 2009/2010 lagern dort Schätze. Medizinische und fotografische. Für Generationen noch.

Penguins are said to populate only a very limited part of our planet. If you look out for penguins, however, you will start to discover them in the most common places. In the average European city. In your daily life. In your household. Everywhere.

Angeblich leben Pinguine nur in der Antarktis und an ein paar ganz wenigen anderen Plätzen auf unserem Planeten. Wenn man allerdings aufmerksam durch die Welt geht, stellt man plötzlich fest, dass sie an den ungewöhnlichsten Orten auftauchen. Oder an den gewöhnlichsten. Selbst Europas Hauptstädte sind voll von Pinguinen. Wien ist voll von ihnen.

Monday 1 August 2011

Summer Light Shows | Schattenspiele

Denn die einen sind im Dunkeln, und die andern sind im Licht. Und man sieht nur die im Lichte, die im Dunkeln sieht man nicht. Moritat aus der Dreipinguinoper

The response of plasma melatonin in Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) to constant dim light and to light/dark cycles was measured to determine the capacity of the pineal gland to secrete melatonin after exposure to continuous daylight for 2 months. Penguins were moved in mid-summer from the natural photoperiod to either constant dim light (n = 10), to a 12L:12D light/dark cycle (n = 5), or to a 12L:12D light/dark cycle with a 30 min light pulse (50-155 lux) on the third (n = 4) or sixth (n = 5) "night." Blood samples were collected regularly through cannulae for up to 33 h. The birds in dim light were sampled after 2 days, with samples obtained over at least 24 h from 7 birds. Three of these birds had melatonin rhythms (peak levels 66.7-130.2 pg/ml) whereas the other 4 birds had constant low levels (less than 44 pg/ml). The phase of the rhythm was similar for all 3 birds. 

This is consistent with the pacemaker that regulates the circadian rhythm of melatonin secretion being entrained to a period of 24 h when the penguins were exposed to the natural photoperiod. Mean melatonin levels (42.7 +/- 2.5 pg/ml) were elevated compared to those previously reported in penguins under natural daylight. All penguins held under a 12L:12D light/dark cycle had melatonin rhythms. The phase and form of these rhythms were similar to those reported for other birds, and they appeared to be circadian rhythms entrained by the light/dark cycle.

Circadian rhythms of plasma melatonin in the Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) in constant dim light and artificial photoperiods. Abstract. Journal of Pineal Research 1991 Sep;11(2):63-9.

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